Legal Information

Registry Data

The estate is comprised of two registry properties.

Registered Property 47092

Registered in the Land Registry of Tortosa-1 in Volume 3757, Book 931, Folio 142, Property 47092, Inscription 1.

Rustic: Inheritance located in Tortosa, Campredó district, of olive and carob trees, of surface after several segregations practiced twenty-four hectares, seven areas and six centiares, inside which are located a building and a raft. Bordering: to the North, José Rodríguez Moya, Juan Chavarría Altadill, camino, Ramón y Cinta campos Cruz, Juan Montesó Borrás and Agustín Gas Escrivá; to the South, with a road, Fernando Garrido Carretero, camino de Rocacorba, Juan Prats Marro, Juan Prats Cervera, Jaime Sabaté Bordera and camino de Rocacorba; to the East, with José Mulet Espuny, José Anguera Vallés; and to the West, los Prats, Sabaté and Mulet and the road from Tortosa to l’Aldea and from Tortosa to l’Aldea; to the West, los Prats, Sabaté and Mulet and the road from Tortosa to l’Aldea; to the South, with a road, Fernando Garrido Carretero, camino de Rocacorba, Juan Prats Marro, Juan Prats Cervera, Jaime Sabaté Bordera and camino de Rocacorba. The Rocacorba Ravine enters the estate on its south-west side. This property has in its favour the easement of use that results from the inscription 1a of the registered property 47530.

Charges: the property has NO registration charges.

The property is not mortgaged.

PolygonPlotCadastral Surf. SigPac Surf
33170,2450 ha0,2450 ha
33180,6709 ha0,6708 ha
3390020,0600 ha(i)0,0600 ha
8410,8073 ha0,8073 ha
84217,6967 ha(ii)20,6968 ha
842 (urban)0,0683 ha0,0683 ha
8468,4751 ha8,4751 ha
84190,3271 ha0,3271 ha
8490200,3962 ha0,3962 ha
851030,5303 ha(iii)0,5303 ha
851040,2523 ha0,2523 ha
851120,4893 ha0,4893 ha
TOTAL17,0185 ha33,0185 ha

(i) the area is 0,34712 ha of which only 0,06 ha belong to the farm.
(ii) the area is 21,6967 ha of which only 17,6067 ha belong to the farm.
(iii) the area is 1,5303 ha of which only 0,5303 ha belong to the farm.

Registered Property 39947

Registered in the Land Registry of Tortosa-1 in Volume 3761, Book 932, Folio 125, Property 39947, inscription 4.

Rustic: Inheritance located in Tortosa, in the Rocacorba district, of olive and carob trees, with an area of one hectare, forty-five areas, fifty-three centiares, equivalent to six daily wages and sixty-four cents. Bordering: to the North, with José Mulet; to the South, with Enrique Lluís; to the East, with José Mulet; and to the West, partly with Pilar Aragonés Mestre, along the way.

PolygonPlotCadastral Surf.SigPac Surf.
84130,1455 ha(i)0,1455 ha(
84141,3570 ha1,3570 ha
84150,1382 ha0,1382 ha
TTOTAL1,6407 ha1,6407 ha

(i) the area is 0,2588 ha of which only 0,1455 ha belong to the farm

Charges: the property has NO registration charges.

The property is not mortgaged.

Cadastral Data

Each of the registered estates is made up of the following plots of the indicated polygons and the related surfaces:

Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.
Link to the information in the Sede Electrónica del Catastro of this plot.

Land Planning Situation

Type of planning:: Pla d’Ordenació Urbanística Municipal de Tortosa.

Land classification: Non-developable land. Key: 10c: Agricultural area with slope or mountain.

Occupancy Certificate

The dwelling has a certificate of habitability valid until 2023

Occupancy certificate.


The house and the estate are free of tenants and occupants, except for the warehouse.

The building of the estate is rented to a third party. The term of the lease contract is annual, extendable in favour of the lessee until 3 October 2023.